In the spotlight

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated American public and elite polarisation on foreign policy issues, which will be a challenge for president...


Covid-19 has created expectations of a state-society re-alignment in the United States. Deep polarization has crushed them. Initially in the spring of 2020, the...


After Yemen’s 2011 uprising broke out, the country went through a series of political upheavals and cycles of violence that tore the country apart. In a context where ...


On Thursday, October 1st, the third edition of Premio IAI – a competition aimed at young people under 26, high school and university students as well as recent...


On Thursday, October 1st, the third edition of Premio IAI – a competition aimed at young people under 26, high school and university students as well as recent...


China’s approach to security in the Middle East can be categorised as promoting political solutions to disputes, contributing to economic development and...


Covid-19 has not hit North Africa as violently as Europe, but governments have adopted strict measures, with significant consequences on human rights...


The COVID-19 emergency cannot be allowed to (re)define our identity and interests as Europeans, erecting barriers or trade wars. A group of young...


‪On Covid19 we're still challenged at home & still need more solidarity within the EU. But Europe must also support its neighbors &...


The COVID 19 pandemic poses a challenge to the European Union in different fields, from economics, to security, to sustainable development. Starting from security...
