Dear Europe... Letter from Italy

Dear EU leaders,
Multilateralism and global governance are under unprecedented attack. The norms, rules and institutions established in the aftermath of World War II are being questioned to the core. Yet, multilateralism is needed now more than ever before. There are no global challenges worthy of the name that can be met through unilateral or even bilateral action. This was indeed the spirit that inspired the international community to commit to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate in 2015. Rekindling that spirit and propelling it forward, towards effective implementation, is the defining task of our age.
Against this backdrop, we worry that Italy’s voice will not be heard globally. Only within the EU, which itself represents the most radical form of multilateralism worldwide, can we hope and expect to make our voice heard in multilateral forums at the global level.
Dati bibliografici
in ECDPM’s Great Insights, Vol. 8, No. 2-3 (Spring/Summer 2019), p. 10-11 -
2215-0593; 2213-0063 (online)