Conflict Society and the Transformation of Turkey's Kurdish Question

Documento preparato nell'ambito del progetto SHUR (Human Rights in Conflicts: The Role of Civil Society), finanziato dal sesto programma quadro della Commissione europea. Versione successiva: "Civil Society and the Transformation of Turkey’s Kurdish Question", in
Dati bibliografici
Roma, Luiss-Cersdu, maggio 2008, 35 p. (SHUR Working Papers ; 01/08)
1. The Conflict Context and the Nature of Turkey’s Conflict Society
a. The Turkish State and the Evolution of the Kurdish Question
b. The Turkish State and the Nature of Civil Society
2. The Role of Conflict Society in the Kurdish Question
Securitizing Civil Society
i. Type of Actors and Identities
ii. Frameworks of Action
iii. Political Opportunity Structure
Holding Civil Society
i. Type of Actors and Identities
ii. Frameworks of Action
iii. Political Opportunity Structure
De-securitizing/Peace-building Civil Society
i. Type of actors and identities
ii. Frameworks of action
iii. Political Opportunity Structure
3. Integrated Analysis of Civil Society and Conflict Dynamics
a. Conflict Society Identities, Views on Human Rights and Peacemaking Impact
b. Conflict Society Strategies, Political Opportunity Structure and the Effectiveness of Impact
Relations with state institutions and the media
The interconnectedness of civil society
Time contingent factors
4. The EU and Conflict Society in Turkey
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Civil Society and the Transformation of Turkey’s Kurdish Question
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