Countering Zero-Sum Relations in the Middle East: Insights from the Expert Survey
Flavia Fusco
In: Documenti IAI 21|02
Fostering a New Security Architecture in the Middle East
Silvia Colombo, Andrea Dessì
In: Libri
Devising a Consensus-Driven Security Architecture for the MENA Region
Ranj Alaaldin
In: IAI Papers 20|42
Collective Security and Multilateral Engagement in the Middle East: Pathways for EU Policy
Silvia Colombo, Andrea Dessì
In: IAI Papers 20|37
Infrastructures and Power in the Middle East and North Africa
Silvia Colombo, Eduard Soler i Lecha
In: Altri paper e articoli
Differentiated Cooperation in European Foreign Policy: The Challenge of Coherence
Giovanni Grevi, Pol Morillas, Eduard Soler i Lecha
In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 5
Russia's Policy towards the Middle East: The Case of Yemen
Leonid Issaev, Andrey Korotayev
In: The International Spectator 55/3
The International Spectator, Vol. 55, No. 3, September 2020 -
China and Middle East Security Issues: Challenges, Perceptions and Positions
Jin Liangxiang
In: IAI Papers 20|23
Piazze mediterranee e relazioni internazionali
Pasquale Ferrara
In: IAI Papers 20|22
The New Turn in Turkey's Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Regional and Domestic Insecurities
Meliha Benli Altunışık
In: IAI Papers 20|17
The EU's 'Pragmatist Turn' and the Struggle for Social Justice and Human Rights in the Arab World: A Decentring Framework for Analysis
Maria Cristina Paciello
In: Altri paper e articoli
Russia's Foreign and Security Policy in the Middle East: Entering the 2020s
Ekaterina Stepanova
In: IAI Papers 20|16