Middle East and North Africa Space Capabilities & Security Challenges
Dario Cristiani, Giancarlo La Rocca, Alessandro Marrone
In: Altri paper e articoli
Warfare and Geopolitics in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood: Implications for NATO
Camilla Vianini, Chloé Berger
In: Documenti IAI 21|13
I movimenti islamisti tra crisi interne, pluralizzazione e tendenze post islamiste
Silvia Colombo
In: Altri paper e articoli
The Covid-19 Crisis and the Mediterranean Basin: Overcoming Disparities, Promoting Genuine Cooperation
Anis Germani, Rania Masri
In: IAI Papers 21|41
"Principled Pragmatism" Reset: For a Recalibration of the EU's Diplomatic Engagement with the MENA Region
Silvia Colombo
In: IAI Papers 21|39
Decolonising Knowledge: A Euro-Mediterranean Perspective
Lorenzo Kamel
In: IAI Commentaries 21|39
Differentiation and the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy
Marco Siddi, Tyyne Karjalainen, Juha Jokela
In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 9
Pandemic Regionalism or Not? The MENA Region in the Shadow of Covid-19
Meliha Benli Altunışık
In: The International Spectator 56/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 2, June 2021 -
The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World
Hicham Alaoui, Robert Springborg
In: Libri
Europe and the 'New' Middle East. Geopolitical shifts and strategic choices
Silvia Colombo, Eduard Soler i Lecha
In: Altri paper e articoli
From Tectonic Shifts to Winds of Change in North Africa and the Middle East: Europe’s Role
Nathalie Tocci, Riccardo Alcaro, Francesca Caruso
In: IAI Papers 21|12
Ripensare la Storia. Prospettive post-eurocentriche
Lorenzo Kamel
In: Libri