Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Azerbaigian + Energia + Iran + Kazakistan + Russia + Turkmenistan


L’Unione europea e la guerra in Ucraina

Ferdinando Nelli Feroci

In: Altri paper e articoli

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The EU's Diplomatic Engagement in the Sahel

Bernardo Venturi

In: IAI Papers 22|08

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La rivoluzione del leapfrogging

Lorenzo Colantoni, Giulia Sofia Sarno

In: Altri paper e articoli

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The Weaponisation of Finance and the Risk of Global Economic Fragmentation

Nicola Bilotta

In: IAI Commentaries 22|19

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The War in Ukraine and Studying the EU as a Security Actor

Hylke Dijkstra

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 15

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Energy Transitions and Environmental Geopolitics in the Southern Mediterranean

Emel Akçalı, Evrim Görmüş, Soli Özel

In: IAI Commentaries 22|17

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Cosa ci insegna la guerra in corso

Michele Nones

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Russia–Ukraine Talks and the Indispensable Role of the US and Europe

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Commentaries 22|14

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