Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Azerbaigian + Energia + Iran + Kazakistan + Russia + Turkmenistan


Mediterranean Transitions from the Gulf to the Sahel

Giulia Daga, Pier Paolo Raimondi

In: IAI Research Studies 11

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Artillery in Present and Future High-Intensity Operations

Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 24|10

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The Kremlin’s and Far-Right War on Gender at the Paris 2024 Olympics

Leo Goretti

In: IAI Commentaries 24|52

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The G7, South Africa and the Sustainable Climate Agenda for Africa

Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Alex Benkenstein, Jordan Mc Lean

In: IAI Commentaries 24|51

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Italy’s National Energy and Climate Plan and Road Transport: An Appraisal

Pier Paolo Raimondi, Michel Noussan

In: IAI Commentaries 24|43

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Expanding German-Italian Decision-makers’ Coordination in the Energy Sector

Alessio Sangiorgio

In: IAI Commentaries 24|42

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Il futuro dell’idrogeno

Lorenzo Colantoni

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Stato dell’arte dei velivoli da combattimento senza pilota e prospettive future

Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 24|08

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