China Daily European Edition - Casarini: Experts stress importance of Abe apology
13/08/2015stampaLeggi -
World Review - Casarini: la contesa tra Cina e vicini nel mar di Cina meridionale
13/08/2015stampaLeggi -
Deutsche Welle - Casarini: Beijing aims to strengthen relations with Europe and drive a wedge between the transatlantic allies
29/06/2015stampaLeggi -
World Review - Casarini: China's military challenges in the face of a slowing economy
29/06/2015stampaLeggi -
Deutsche Welle - Casarini: The EU is trying to gain admission to the East Asia Summit
25/06/2015stampaLeggi -
Deutsche Welle - Casarini: Beijing will become a serious competitor to German core industries
02/06/2015stampaLeggi -
The Japan Times - Casarini: G-7 needs to find ways to cooperate with China
16/04/2015 -
China Daily European Edition - Casarini: AIIB would be a major success for China