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Conflict Prevention in the Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

1997 - 1998

In 1996 the International Affairs Institute (IAI) begun a study aimed at concretely determining which measures of conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy can be implemented to set up the area of peace and stability to which the parties to the Barcellona Declaration have committed themselves. The project lasted till the first half of 1998 and was funded by the United States Institute for Peace (USIP). 

Published results:

  • Antonio Marquina, "Conflict Prevention in the Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A European Point of View", Perceptions, June-August 1999.
  • Abdelwahab Biad, "Conflict Prevention in the Euro-Med Partnership: Challenges and Prospects", The International Spectator, vol. XXXIV, n° 2, April-June 1999.
  • Gamal Abdel Gawad Soltan and Abdel Moneim Said Aly, "The Middle East Experience with Conflict Prevention", The International Spectator, vol. XXXIV, n° 2, April-June 1999.
  • R. Aliboni, "Political Dialogue and Conflict Prevention in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership", The International Spectator, vol. XXXV, n° 1, January-March 2000.
  • L. Guazzone, "Who needs Conflict Prevention in the Mediterranean?", The International Spectator, vol. XXXV, n° 1, January-March 2000.
  • R. Aliboni and Paolo Miggiano, Conflict and its Sources in the Near East and North Africa. A conflict Prevention Perspective, al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Strategic Paper n° 81, 1999 (available in English and Arabic).