Research > Tutti, Approvvigionamento d'energia + Brexit + Sicurezza + Unione europea

  • Governing the European currency: legal and institutional aspect

    The aim of this study, carried out in collaboration with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, was to analyze the rules relative to the institution of the European Monetary Union and its...
    Start/End: 1997
  • European Macroeconomic Imbalances and Policy Adjustments

    This is a study of the imbalances in current accounts of Eurozone countries and possible adjustment mechanisms.The study is broken down into three parts:- a study of the growing imbalances in current...
    Start/End: 2012
  • IMG-S: Integrated Mission Group for Security

    IMG-S is the permanent open forum bringing together technology and security experts from industry, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), research and technology organizations and academia. In support to...
    Start/End: 2011
  • EU-28 Watch (former EU-27 Watch)

    The EU-28 Watch - edited by IEP, Berlin - monitored debates on EU policy since 2004 and provided a rich set of material compiling national debates on European policy. It reviewed the discourses on...
    Start/End: 2004