Towards a New Thinking on the Western Balkans
The report summarizes the proceedings of the closed-door discussion “Towards a New Thinking on the Western Balkans”, hosted in Rome on 27 February 2018 by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). The event saw the participation of representatives from the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG), as well as of Italian experts. The aim of the event was to consult a wider platform of experts on a new vision on the future of the Western Balkans (WB6), their role in tomorrow’s European Union as well as their regional economic and political dimension. Ideas and feedbacks will be reported in a Balkan Declaration to be drafted by the EFB, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary in April 2018.
Report of the closed-door discussion “Towards a New Thinking on the Western Balkans”, hosted in Rome on 27 February 2018 by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
Roma, IAI, March 2018, 7 p. -
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