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Policy/Institutional Factors of Youth Exclusion/Inclusion in the South East Mediterranean

According to the project Power2Youth, the macro level is "the level of state policies and institutional structures". The Work Package (WP) 2 aims at studying the effects of public policies on youth in four interrelated public action domains: employment, family, migration and spatial planning. In the light of discourses that orient policies and concrete schemes implemented in these four domains of public action, research at the macro-level will try to understand the processes and dynamics of youth exclusion/inclusion shedding light on how various forms of marginalization and domination (gender, social, urban/rural, ethnic, based on citizenship, etc.) intersect to generate inequalities among youth themselves. From a methodological point of view, various quantitative and qualitative sources will be used as resources for data, but also as objects of study to understand the various narratives on youth.

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