Common Languages on Democracy in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

This Report examines various issues related with democracy and democracy promotion in Arab-Muslim-Western and Euro-Mediterranean relations, so as to identify opportunities to create a common language that can foster the search for common ground and common norms. Common languages are vantage points to talk about generally highly controversial questions and possibly forge agreements over time.
Second Year Report of the EuroMeSCo Working Group on the Search for a Euro-Med Security Common Ground (Working Group I).
Lisboa, EuroMeSCo Secretariat at the IEEI, May 2004, 23 p. (EuroMeSCo Papers ; 31)
1. Introduction
1.1. The EuroMeSCo Working Group on Euro-Med Security Common Ground
1.2. The 2002 Report: Rationale and Aims
2. Findings and Recommendations
3. Democracy and Human Rights in the Barcelona Process
3.1. The State of Democracy and Human Rights in the EMP Framework
3.2. The Debate on Democracy and Human Rights in the EMP
4. Democracy and Democracy Promotion in Arab-Western Relations
4.1. Democracy and Human Rights: A Fundamental Divide Within the EMP
4.2. Democracy in the Arab Debate
4.3. Arab Concepts of Democracy in a Western Policy Perspective
4.4. The Rationale of Democracy Promotion in Western Policies
4.5. Checking Democracy’s Nexuses
Democracy and Economic Development
Democracy and Peace
Democracy and Nationalism
5. Towards a Common EMP Democracy Promoting Language
Abbreviations and Acronyms
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