The Islamist Dilemma. The Political Role of Islamist Movements in the Contemporary Arab World

Since the 1980s, the emergence of Islamist movements as the main opposition force in the Arab world has contributed to an often violent polarization of domestic political struggles, as highly 'ideologized' Islamist movements clash with the ruling élites. This book considers the effects of this clash, while also exploring the new divide in regional politics and growing perceptions of mutual threat between the West and the Islamic world. Among the complex issues considered by the authors is the possibility of a new political culture emerging from the interaction between these competing approaches. It also questions whether the Arab world will be aided or obstructed in its transition towards political pluralism, economic liberalism, regional and inter-national cooperation, economic development and peaceful conflict resolution.
Research conducted by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in 1992-1995. Chapters 1-6, 8-9 and 13 published also in Italian in Il dilemma dell'Islam. Politica e movimenti islamisti nel mondo arabo contemporaneo, Milano, Franco Angeli, November 1995 (Lo spettatore internazionale ; 14).
Acknowledgements, p. ix
Note on Transliteration, p. x
Contributors, p. xi
Introduction, p. xiii-xvi
Part I. Islamism in the Domestic Political Process
1. Islamism and Islamists in the Contemporary Arab World, Laura Guazzone, p. 3-38
2. Cross-Links and Double Talk? Islamist Movements in the Political Process, Gudrun Krämer, p. 39-67
3. Discourse and Strategy of the Algerian Islamist Movement (1986-1992), Ahmed Rouadjia, p. 69-103
4. The Rise and Fall of the Islamist Movement in Tunisia, Abdelbaki Hermassi, p. 105-127
5. The Islamists in Jordan and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, Iyad Barghouti, p. 129-159
6. The Islamist Movements under Mubarak, Hala Mustafa, p. 161-185
7. Islamism in Practice: The Case of Sudan, Hayder Ibrahim Ali, p. 187-214
Part II. The Impact of Islamism on Regional and international Relations
8. Arab Regimes and Democratization: Responses to the Challenge of Political Islam, Michael C. Hudson, p. 217-245
9. The Impact of Islamism on the Arab System, Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, p. 247-264
10. Youth Culture and Islamism in the Middle East, Remy Leveau, p. 265-287
11. The Islamic Factor in International Economic Cooperation, Roberto Aliboni, p. 289-306
12. The Islamic Factor in International Economic Cooperation: A View from within, Sohrab Shahabi, p. 307-315
13. The Rise of Islamist Movements and the Western Response: Clash of Civilizatons or Clash of Interests?, Shireen T. Hunter, p. 317-350
Bibliography, p. 351-382
Index, p. 383-390
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