Afghanistan, AUKUS and European Strategic Autonomy
Pol Morillas
In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 4
Lead Groups in EU Foreign Policy: The Cases of Iran and Ukraine
Riccardo Alcaro, Marco Siddi
In: Other papers and articles
Controllo parlamentare sull'esportazione dei sistemi d'arma: modelli comparati
Alessandro Marrone, Ottavia Credi, Michele Nones
In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 180
The EU–UK Partnership and Implications for Differentiation Within the EU and Between the EU and Third Countries
Jannike Wachowiak, Fabian Zuleeg
In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 10
La collaborazione italo-britannica nel settore della difesa e sicurezza dopo la Brexit
Ester Sabatino
In: Documenti IAI 21|09
La difesa missilistica dell'Europa e l'Italia: capacità e cooperazione. Executive summary
Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti
In: Documenti IAI 21|06
Europe's Missile Defence and Italy: Capabilities and Cooperation
Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti
In: Documenti IAI 21|05
The Italy-UK Tandem: Resetting Climate Action in the Run Up to COP26
Margherita Bianchi
In: IAI Commentaries 21|11
Seeking a Responsible Arms Trade to Reduce Human Suffering in Yemen
Giovanna Maletta
In: The International Spectator 56/1
The International Spectator, Vol. 56, No. 1, March 2021 -
Cyber Defence in NATO Countries: Comparing Models
Alessandro Marrone, Ester Sabatino
In: IAI Papers 21|05
Europol and Differentiated Integration
Camino Mortera-Martínez, Zoran Nechev, Ivan Damjanovski
In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 13
Differentiation in EU Foreign and Security Policy: EU Lead Groups in the Iranian Nuclear Dispute and the Ukraine Crisis
Riccardo Alcaro, Marco Siddi
In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 11