Publications > Tutti, Europa + Mediterraneo + Politica estera dell'Italia


New as it is, the Mediterranean Union needs an overhaul

Roberto Aliboni

In: Other papers and articles

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Italy (in Does Fairness Matter?)

Ettore Greco, Nathalie Tocci

In: Other papers and articles

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La politica estera dell'Italia 2010

Gianni Bonvicini, Alessandro Colombo

In: La politica estera dell'Italia

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The Mediterranean Energy Scene: What Now? What Next?

Silvia Colombo, Ian O. Lesser

In: Documenti IAI 10|06

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L'Italia e la trasformazione dello scenario internazionale fra rischi di marginalizzazione e nuove responsabilità

Gianni Bonvicini, Andrea Carati, Alessandro Colombo

In: Documenti IAI 10|04

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Human security: a new perspective for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation

Roberto Aliboni, Abdallah Saaf

In: Other papers and articles

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The Italian Foreign Ministry on the Way of Reform

Raffaello Matarazzo

In: Documenti IAI 10|01

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The Union for the Mediterranean. Evolution and Prospects

Roberto Aliboni

In: Documenti IAI 09|39e

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