Publications > Tutti, Asean + Asia + Cina + Giappone + Sicurezza marittima


The road to Paris

Luca Franza, Lorenzo Colantoni

In: Other papers and articles

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Quali condizioni per un maggiore ruolo internazionale dell’Unione Europea?

Ferdinando Nelli Feroci

In: Other papers and articles

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Natural Gas in South-east Asia: Key Trends and Long-term Outlook

Luca Franza, Beni Suryadi

In: IAI Papers 21|22

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The Belt and Road Initiative in Italy: The Ports of Genoa and Trieste

Francesca Ghiretti

In: IAI Papers 21|17

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Economy and culture: two tracks for China's soft power in Italy

Lorenzo Mariani, Francesca Ghiretti

In: Other papers and articles

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How Green is China's Belt and Road Initiative?

Alice Politi

In: IAI Commentaries 21|22

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Technological Competition: Can the EU Compete with China?

Francesca Ghiretti

In: IAI Papers 21|15

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Caution and Ambition Inform China's New Five-Year-Plan

Francesca Ghiretti

In: IAI Commentaries 21|16

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The (Near) Future of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Nicola Bilotta, Fabrizio Botti

In: Global Politics and Security 7

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