Publications > Tutti, Africa + Coronavirus + Migrazione


The Joint Africa-EU Strategy

Nicoletta Pirozzi, Nicolò Sartori, Bernardo Venturi

In: Other papers and articles

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Can the Africa-EU Partnership Be Revived?

Nicoletta Pirozzi

In: IAI Commentaries 17|23

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Africa and Italy's Relations After the Cold War

Bernardo Venturi

In: Other papers and articles

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The EU and Africa: Regionalism and Interregionalism Beyond Institutions

Nicoletta Pirozzi, Andréas Litsegård

In: Other papers and articles

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The Security-Migration-Development Nexus in the Sahel

Luca Raineri, Alessandro Rossi

In: IAI Working Papers 17|26

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Investigating Cognitive and Normative Frames of Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Stakeholders on Migration and Mobility Issues, in Their Relations with the EU

Emanuela Roman, Ferruccio Pastore, Irene Ponzo

In: MEDRESET Papers Methodology and Concept Paper 6

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Global Identities: Embedding the Middle East and North Africa Region in the Wider World

Katerina Dalacoura, Silvia Colombo, Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 2

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Macron's Africa "Problem"

Marcel Plichta

In: IAI Commentaries 17|06

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Proiettare stabilità nel vicinato a sud della Nato

Margherita Bianchi, Guillaume Lasconjarias, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 17|14

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