Publications > Tutti, Libia + Russia + Siria + Turchia


Artillery in Present and Future High-Intensity Operations

Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 24|10

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The Kremlin’s and Far-Right War on Gender at the Paris 2024 Olympics

Leo Goretti

In: IAI Commentaries 24|52

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Stato dell’arte dei velivoli da combattimento senza pilota e prospettive future

Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 24|08

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The “Weaponisation” of Money: Risks of Global Financial Fragmentation

Jennifer Johnson-Calari, Arnab Das, Franco Passacantando

In: IAI Papers 24|20

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Presenting a united front

Ettore Greco

In: Other papers and articles

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Russian Nuclear Diplomacy in the Global South, and How to Respond to It

João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel

In: IAI Commentaries 24|13

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NATO’s Posture vis-a-vis Russia: Features and Challenges

Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone

In: IAI Commentaries 24|09

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