Publications > Tutti, Consiglio europeo + Elezioni + Euroscetticismo + Migrazione + Unione europea


Rhetorical Confrontation Is No Substitute for the EU’s Iran Policy

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Commentaries 24|15

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Rhetorical Confrontation Is No Substitute for the EU’s Iran Policy

Riccardo Alcaro

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 34

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Un vecchio continente troppo lento e disordinato

Michele Nones

In: Other papers and articles

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Tunisia in Context: Local, Regional and International Dynamics under Kais Saied

Akram Ezzamouri

In: Other papers and articles

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Italy: Mixed expectations of a second Trump-presidency

Riccardo Alcaro

In: Other papers and articles

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Il progetto di Comunità Politica Europea: origini e sviluppo

Nathalie Tocci, Nicoletta Pirozzi

In: Other papers and articles

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From Atalanta to Aspides: Old and New Challenges for EU Maritime Operations

Piero Barlucchi

In: IAI Commentaries 24|12

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Climate Change, Insecurity and Migration: A Closer Look at India

Baisali Mohanty, Thin Lei Win, Siena Cicarelli

In: Other papers and articles

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Lo stato del processo di integrazione del mercato europeo della difesa

Michele Nones, Alessandro Marrone, Gaia Ravazzolo

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 212

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