Publications > Tutti, Cina + Commercio estero


Maritime Scenario in the Mediterranean

Massimo Deandreis, Alessandro Panaro, Olimpia Ferrara

In: IAI Papers 22|07

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The Weaponisation of Finance and the Risk of Global Economic Fragmentation

Nicola Bilotta

In: IAI Commentaries 22|19

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Constraints for Engagement with China: Dutch Ports and the BRI

Vera Kranenburg, Frans-Paul van der Putten

In: IAI Commentaries 22|16

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Assessing the pros and cons of the EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment

Nicola Casarini

In: Other papers and articles

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Spazio e difesa: un legame crescente. Executive summary

Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 22|02

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The Expanding Nexus between Space and Defence

Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 22|01

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Focus euroatlantico, n. 19 (novembre 2021-gennaio 2022)

Riccardo Alcaro

In: Reports for Parliament Focus euroatlantico 19

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China in Italy: Risk Assessment and Preventive Solutions

Beatrice Gallelli, Lorenzo Mariani

In: IAI Papers 21|52

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