The Common Security and Defence Policy and the Issue of Democratic Accountability
Michele Comelli
In: Other papers and articles
Rethinking Euro-Med policies in the light of the Arab Spring
Nathalie Tocci, Jean-Pierre Cassarino
In: Other papers and articles
Rethinking the EU's Mediterranean Policies Post-9/11
Nathalie Tocci, Jean-Pierre Cassarino
In: IAI Working Papers 11|06
L'Unione Europea di fronte all'afflusso eccezionale di persone provenienti dal Nord Africa
Bruno Nascimbene, Alessia Di Pascale
In: Documenti IAI 11|05
Il meccanismo di stabilità e la revisione semplificata del Trattato di Lisbona
Luigi Gianniti
In: Documenti IAI 11|02
Elite Opinion Dimension: Behind the Scenes of Turkey's Protracted Accession Process
Nathalie Tocci
In: Other papers and articles
The Cyprus Conflict and the Ambiguous Effects of Europeanization
Thomas Diez, Nathalie Tocci
In: Other papers and articles
Vol. 46, No. 1, March 2011
Why Ireland’s Luck Ran Out and What This Means for the Eurozone
Shalendra D. Sharma
In: The International Spectator 46/1
Vol. 46, No. 1, March 2011