MENARA Papers 14/01/2019
Restoration, Transformation and Adaptation: Authoritarianism after 2011 in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran
Rasmus Alenius Boserup
Rome, IAI, January 2019, 27 p.
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 30
MENARA Papers 05/10/2018
Militarization and Militia-ization: Dynamics of Armed Group Proliferation in Egypt and Libya
Rasmus Alenius Boserup
Rome, IAI, October 2018, 24 p.
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 17
MENARA Papers 22/12/2017
Hybridization of Domestic Order-Making in the Contemporary MENA Region
Rasmus Alenius Boserup
Roma, IAI, December 2017, 23 p.
In: MENARA Papers Methodology and Concept Papers 6