G20, the Role of the IAI

IAI has been appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office as a scientific advisor for the Italian Presidency of the G20 and as Co-Chair of the Think20 (T20) Italy 2021. The T20 is an official Engagement Group of the G20, bringing together leading global think tanks and research centres. It serves as the “ideas bank” of the G20 and aims at providing research-based policy recommendations to the G20 policymakers. In the framework of the T20, IAI coordinates the work of five Task Forces: Global Health and COVID-19; Trade, Investment and Growth; 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation; Infrastructure Investment and Financing; and Migration.
Team IAI - T20 Italy 2021
Ettore Greco – Coordinator, T20 Italy 2021
Fabrizio Botti – Coordinatore della Task Force 3: Trade, Investment and Growth
Lead Co-Chairs Task Forces
Pier Carlo Padoan – Lead Co-Chair della Task Force 3: Trade Investment and Growth
Stefano Manservisi – Lead Co-Chair della Task Force 5: 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation
Co-Chairs Task Forces
Nicoletta Pirozzi – Co-Chair of Task Force 8: Multilateralism and Global Governance
Luca Franza – Co-Chair of Task Force 2: Climate Change, Sustainable Energy and Environment
Coordinators Task Forces
Eleonora Poli – Coordinator of Task Force 1: Global Health and Covid-19
Fabrizio Botti – Coordinator of Task Force 3: Trade, Investment and Growth
Daniele Fattibene – Coordinator of Task Force 5: 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation
Nicola Bilotta – Coordinator of Task Force 7: Infrastructure Investment and Financing
Luca Barana – Coordinator of Task Force 10: Migration