Seminar on: "Contrasto all'immigrazione illegale, missione temporanea e spazio Schengen", with adminar Fabio Caffio and Vincenzo Delicato, Ministy of Interior
Closed-door seminar within the framework of the project EvoCS
International conference to present the results of the project "The security-migration-development nexus revised: a perspective from the Sahel".
The conference will discuss six policy...
Conference within the framework of the New-Med Research Network .
IAI's Director Nathalie Tocci partecipates in GLOBSEC 2017 Global Security Forum - from 26th to 28th May in Bratislava - to...
In recent years, the European Union has faced a series of political and social chal- lenges that have threatened the foundations of its integration model. Since 2008, the economic and financial...
Seminar with James Squelch, Deputy Director Defence Planning Directorate, NATO Defence Policy and Planning Division. In light of the Warsaw Summit conclusions and the current International...
Conference within the framework of the New-Med research network
Last 5th October, in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and in the framework of the Security Group, IAI hosted Fritz Felgentreu, SPD Deputy Spokesperson of the German Parliament...
On 26th July 2016, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) organized a conference to present the IAI volume The Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and the European security. Technological and...