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Europe at a crossroads - The Czech Republic’s EU Policy

28/03/2019, Rome, Via del Quirinale 26

A conversation between Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and Francesca Paci, Journalist of "La Stampa"

Opening remarks by
Ettore Greco, Executive Vice President of the Istituto Affari Internazionali

The upcoming election of the European Parliament is stirring a heated debate over the future of the European Union. Where does the Czech Republic government position itself in such a debate? And what are its top priorities at the EU level? What role can the Visegrad Group, of which the Czech Republic is a key member, play in this regard? And, finally, how is the Czech Republic preparing for the incognita of Brexit?

The conference is part of the "International Talks" organised by IAI and La Stampa.