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Webinar - In Times of Power Politics – How Can, How Should Europe Deliver?An Italian and German View

Italy and Germany are founding members of the European Union, Nato allies and firm promoters of a multilateral rules-based order: they belong to the same community of values and of fate. In times of global pandemic, climate change, digitalisation as well as great power rivalry, how can Italy and Germany together strengthen the European Union and make multilateralism great again? What more can and should be done to ensure that Europe jointly tackles the pandemic and ensures that the recovery from it will be green and digital? How can we work together to strengthen the Union as an autonomous power in the world working, first and foremost with the next US administration taking office in January? The seminar is organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Germany and Italy. Welcome remarks FERDINANDO NELLI FEROCI, President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) PANEL moderated by NATHALIE TOCCI, Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) LIA QUARTAPELLE, Member of the Italian Parliament PD NILS SCHMID, Member of the German Parliament SPD MARTA GRANDE, Member of the Italian Parliament M5S MARIAN WENDT, Member of the German Parliament CDU PAOLO FORMENTINI, Member of the Italian Parliament, Lega Concluding remarks VIKTOR ELBLING, Ambassador of Germany to Italy