From Strategic to Tech-oriented Minilateralism: GCAP as a Platform to Accelerate Military Technology Development

The Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP), launched by Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom (UK) in December 2022, is among the latest examples of strategic minilateral arrangements – that is, defensive balancing coalitions formed to respond to the systemic challenges of an increasingly competitive international system. A comparative analysis of the three members’ objectives suggests, however, that GCAP differs from other forms of strategic minilateralism. Indeed, members’ participation in the programme does not necessarily rest on overlapping strategic objectives, but rather on internal considerations linked to domestic industrial and export opportunities. Accordingly, we argue that GCAP should be better categorised as a ‘tech-oriented’ rather than a ‘strategic’ minilateral.
Keywords: minilateralism; Japan; Italy; UK; GCAP
Dati bibliografici
The International Spectator, Vol. 59, No. 4, December 2024, p. 95-115 -
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