Trade, Investment and Competition Policies in the Global Economy: The Case of the International Telecommunications Regime

Secondo volume pubblicato nell'ambito del programma di ricerca sull'interazione tra governance globale, regionalismo e sistemi economici nazionali condotto dall'Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) e dall'Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung di Amburgo (HWWA). Versione rivista dei paper presentati al seminario IAI-HWWA "Trade, Investment and Competition Policies in the Global Economy: The Case of the International Telecommunications Regime", Amburgo, 18-19 gennaio 2001.
The Editors and Contributors
Part I. Liberalization and Market Strategies in Telecommunications
Liberalization in Telecommunication, Andreas Knorr
Corporate Strategies in the Telecommunications Sector in an Environment of Continuing Liberalization, Christine Borrmann
Part II. Macro Regional Case Studies
Deregulating and Liberalising the North American Telecommunications Market: Explaining the U.S. Approach, Peter F. Cowhey and John E Richards
Liberalizing and Reregulating Telecommunications in Europe: A Common Framework and Persistent Differences, Peter Holmes and Alasdair Young
Liberalizing Basic Telecommunications: The Asian Experience, Aaditya Mattoo, Carsten Fink and Randeep Rathindran
Part Ill. Trade Barriers, Competition and Investment
Non-Tariff Barriers and the Telecommunications Sector, Sherry M Stephenson
Standards in the International Telecommunications Regime, Raymund Werle
Investment Policies and Telecommunications Regimes, Zdenek Drabek
Competition Policies and Telecommunication Regimes, Georg Koopmann
Part IV. WTO, Global Governance and Telecommunications
Telecommunications-Related Services: Market Access, Deeper Integration and the WTO, Carlos A. Primo Braga, Carsten Fink and Bernard Hoekman
Global Governance and Telecommunications Regimes, Paolo Guerrieri