Narratives of Political Unity in Times of Differentiation
Funda Tekin, Vittoria Meissner, Nils Fabian Müller
In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 3
Integrating Europe: Istituto Affari Internazionali and Institut für Europäische Politik: Cooperation between think tanks living in two different national environments
Gianni Bonvicini
In: Altri paper e articoli
Machine politics: Europe and the AI revolution
Paola Sartori
In: Altri paper e articoli
Right-wing Populism as a Nationalist Vision of Legitimating Collective Choice
Daphne Halikiopoulou
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019 -
Focus euroatlantico, n. 11 (gennaio-marzo 2019)
Riccardo Alcaro
In: Studi per il Parlamento Focus euroatlantico 11
Il futuro velivolo da combattimento e l'Europa: Executive Summary
Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones
In: Documenti IAI 19|03
Europe and the Future Combat Air System
Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones
In: Documenti IAI 19|02
Individuare una procedura per la definizione di una strategia generale militare
Alessandro Marrone
In: Altri paper e articoli
EU Member States' capabilities in conflict prevention and peacebuilding: personnel and technology
Nicoletta Pirozzi, Bernardo Venturi, Alessandro Marrone
In: Altri paper e articoli
Beyond the European Council: Domestic Politics Drives the Migration "Crisis" in Italy and Germany
Gianni Bonvicini
In: IAI Commentaries 18|37
The Germany Italy Wants: A More Daring Leader of a More United Europe
Simone Romano
In: IAI Papers 18|04
Was Italien sich von Deutschland wünscht
Simone Romano
In: Altri paper e articoli