A new multilateralism for the post-COVID world: What role for the EU-Africa partnership?
Luca Barana, Daniele Fattibene
In: Altri paper e articoli
Reviving and Reorienting Growth after the Pandemic: The Role of Local Infrastructure Investments
Nicola Bilotta, Alberto Pozzolo
In: Altri paper e articoli
Le iniziative diplomatiche per il cyberspazio: punti di forza e di debolezza
Luigi Martino
In: IAI Papers 21|13
Advancing the 2030 Agenda Post-Corona: What Role for the G20 Italian Presidency?
Geert Laporte, Vera Mazzara
In: IAI Commentaries 21|15
Building a Post-Pandemic G20 Agenda for Migration
Güven Sak
In: IAI Commentaries 21|13
The Italy-UK Tandem: Resetting Climate Action in the Run Up to COP26
Margherita Bianchi
In: IAI Commentaries 21|11
An Agenda for the G20 to Reset Global Trade Cooperation
Anabel González
In: IAI Commentaries 21|09
The Health Priority for Italy's G20 Presidency: Immunise the World, Equitably
Robert Yates
In: IAI Commentaries 21|08
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on US and European Commitment to the Multilateral Economic Order
Claudia Schmucker
In: IAI Papers 20|39
A New Lifeline for the G20? The Role of African and European Actors in Enhancing Its Legitimacy and Effectiveness
Luca Barana, Daniele Fattibene, Bernardo Venturi
In: Altri paper e articoli
The Need for WTO Reform: Where to Start in Governing World Trade?
Fabrizio Botti, Pier Carlo Padoan
In: Altri paper e articoli
G20 in the Spotlight: The Fight Against COVID-19
Ettore Greco
In: IAI Commentaries 20|40