Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Europa + Infrastrutture + Unione europea


Il progetto di Comunità Politica Europea: origini e sviluppo

Nathalie Tocci, Nicoletta Pirozzi

In: Altri paper e articoli

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From Atalanta to Aspides: Old and New Challenges for EU Maritime Operations

Piero Barlucchi

In: IAI Commentaries 24|12

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Lo stato del processo di integrazione del mercato europeo della difesa

Michele Nones, Alessandro Marrone, Gaia Ravazzolo

In: Studi per il Parlamento Approfondimenti 212

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La diplomazia nell’era dei minerali critici

Margherita Bianchi

In: Altri paper e articoli

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A Decade of Deadlock

Kristina Kausch

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 33

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SHAPEDEM-EU Concept Manual

Christian Achrainer, Michelle Pace

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Chips: EU’s Ambition in a Transatlantic Technology Bridge

Nicola Bilotta

In: IAI Papers 24|06

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Transatlantic Tech Bridge: Digital Infrastructure and Subsea Cables, a US Perspective

Julia Tréhu, Megan Roberts

In: IAI Papers 24|04

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Challenges to Transatlantic Digital Infrastructure: An EU Perspective

Anselm Küsters, André Wolf, Eleonora Poli

In: IAI Papers 24|03

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