Energy and Climate Strategies, Interests and Priorities of the EU and Turkey
Lorenzo Colantoni, Dicle Korkmaz, Nicolò Sartori
In: FEUTURE Papers Online paper 2
EU-Turkey Energy Market Integration: Towards a Story of Success?
Nicolò Sartori
In: Altri paper e articoli
One Year On: An Assessment of the EU-Turkey Statement on Refugees
Ilke Toygür, Bianca Benvenuti
In: IAI Working Papers 17|14
The Refugee Debate in Central and Eastern Europe
Bianca Benvenuti
In: Documenti IAI 17|05
A New Phase in Turkish Foreign Policy: Expediency and AKP Survival
Katerina Dalacoura
In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 4
The Migration Paradox and EU-Turkey Relations
Bianca Benvenuti
In: IAI Working Papers 17|05
Does the EU-Turkey Migration Deal Represent a Model to be Replicated in Other Contexts?
Bianca Benvenuti
In: Documenti IAI 17|01
The EU-Turkey March 2016 Agreement As a Model
Peter Seeberg
In: Global Turkey in Europe Working Papers 16
Vol. 51, No. 4, December 2016
The Leverage of the Gatekeeper
Asli Selin Okyay, Jonathan Zaragoza-Cristiani
In: The International Spectator 51/4
Vol. 51, No. 4, December 2016