Pubblicazioni > Spazio, Europa + Satelliti + Sicurezza


The EU Approach to Space Traffic Management

Giancarlo La Rocca, Karolina Muti, Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Approaches to STM across the world

Giancarlo La Rocca, Karolina Muti, Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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A Congested Space and its Safety

Giancarlo La Rocca, Karolina Muti, Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Spazio e difesa: un legame crescente. Executive summary

Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 22|02

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The Expanding Nexus between Space and Defence

Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 22|01

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Spazio e sovranità digitale europea

Ottavia Credi, Camilla Vianini

In: Documenti IAI 21|11

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Space as a Key Element of Europe's Digital Sovereignty

Jean Pierre Darnis

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Space and the Future of Europe as a Global Actor: EO as a Key Security Aspect

Jean Pierre Darnis, Xavier Pasco, Paul Wohrer

In: Documenti IAI 20|02

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L'accesso allo spazio, settore strategico per l'Italia e l'Europa

Jean Pierre Darnis, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 18|17

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