Research > Economia politica internazionale, global governance, Crisi finanziaria + G7/G20

  • T20: Italian Presidency 2021

    The Think-20 (T20) serves as an official engagement group of the G20 bringing together the major think tanks and research centers working on the G20 agenda and global governance issues. IAI has been...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Infrastructure investments and the role of the G20

    The research project, which the IAI carries out with the think tank Bruegel, aims at investigating infrastructure investments as a crucial factor to foster global growth. The research will focus on...
    Start/End: 2019
  • The Think-20 (T20)

    The Think-20 (T20) serves as an “ideas bank” for G20. For this purpose, T20 organizes the analysis of global think tanks and high-level experts in order to provide analytical depth to ongoing G20...
    Start/End: 2015
  • The Role of the G20 in Promoting Global Governance: Challenges and Opportunities of the Italian Presidency in 2021

    The project aims at investigating the challenges and policy priorities of the Italian Presidency of the G20 in 2021 in light of the recent developments of the G20 agenda. In particular, it focuses on...
    Start/End: 2019
  • Problemi e prospettive del sistema di governance economica globale

    A network of institutes studying the scenarios for reform of global economic governance system - of which IAI was a member together with Chatham House, the Centre for International Governance...
    Start/End: 2008
  • G8 Working Group

    The initiative, conceived of by two prestigious international research institutes - The Institute for International Economics, Washington, and the Tokyo Foundation - involved setting up an...
    Start/End: 2000