An Agenda for Europe in the World
Luca Barana, Daniele Fattibene, Asli Selin Okyay
In: Other papers and articles
Italy's Migration Policy: A Self-Defeating Approach Spells Marginalisation in Europe
Anja Palm, Luca Barana
In: IAI Commentaries 19|44
Greek-Turkish Relations and the Cyprus Dispute: Impact on Turkey-EU Scenarios
Thanos Dokos, Nathalie Tocci, Anja Palm
In: FEUTURE Papers Online Paper 27
Italy in the Mediterranean. Priorities and Perspectives of a European Middle Power
Silvia Colombo, Anja Palm
In: Other papers and articles
L'Italia al bivio. Rapporto sulla politica estera italiana, Edizione 2018
Ettore Greco
In: Quaderni IAI 19
Italian and Spanish approaches to external migration management in the Sahel
Carmen González Enríquez, Patrícia Lisa, Asli Selin Okyay
In: Other papers and articles
Leading the Way? Italy's External Migration Policies and the 2018 Elections
Anja Palm
In: IAI Commentaries 18|12
Services: A Key Element in Upgrading the EU-Turkey Customs Union?
Anja Palm
In: Documenti IAI 18|01
Women, Peace and Security in the Mediterranean
Anja Palm
In: Documenti IAI 17|20
The Italy-Libya Memorandum of Understanding: The baseline of a policy approach aimed at closing all doors to Europe?
Anja Palm
In: Other papers and articles
What Happens After Finding Refuge? The Integration of Syrian Refugees in Germany and Turkey
Anja Palm
In: Documenti IAI 17|11
The EU External Policy on Migration and Asylum: What Role for Italy in Shaping Its Future?
Anja Palm
In: Other papers and articles