La sécurité et la transition énergétiques européennes sont les deux faces de la même médaille
Nathalie Tocci
In: Other papers and articles
Europe: Transition in pole position - The virtue of necessity
Pier Paolo Raimondi
In: Other papers and articles
Brazil: A global player - Lula restarts with climat
Tiziano Breda
In: Other papers and articles
Vulnerable and Unprepared: Assessing Italy's Path to Fight Climate Change
Margherita Bianchi
In: Other papers and articles
Green Deal Watch, No. 9
Margherita Bianchi, Lorenzo Colantoni
In: Green Deal Watch 9
Building Climate Resilience in Urban Informal Settlements through Data Co-production
Giulia Sofia Sarno
In: IAI Commentaries 23|13
A Changing Energy Diplomacy: The External Dimension of the REPowerEU Plan
Giulia Sofia Sarno, Lorenzo Colantoni
In: Other papers and articles
The Food-Energy Nexus and Italy–Morocco Cooperation
Michaël Tanchum
In: IAI Papers 23|06
Food Security and Climate Migration
Asli Selin Okyay, Francesco Iacoella, Luca Barana
In: Other papers and articles
The International Spectator, Vol. 58, No. 1, March 2023
Decarbonisation and Critical Materials in the Context of Fraught Geopolitics: Europe’s Distinctive Approach to a Net Zero Future
Sophia Kalantzakos, Indra Overland, Roman Vakulchuk
In: The International Spectator 58/1
The International Spectator, Vol. 58, No. 1, March 2023